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Why it's Time for Candidates to Pick up the Phone

We recently ran a poll on LinkedIn to find out the best method of communication candidates prefer from a recruiter. An overwhelming 74% stated their preferred choice of comms is…*drumroll* EMAIL! 

We know what you're thinking. Tell The Times to hold the front page! Incredible findings from Ocho. 

In all seriousness, we know it's not the most conclusive of studies, nor is the result particularly surprising. However, after discussing the findings with the team [at length] we all said the same thing: We respectfully disagree - at Ocho we would much rather meet our candidates face-to-face, but we are a sociable lot as you may have noticed on our socials! We’re always up for a chat over a coffee [or a pint] but we know that isn’t for everyone so the message here is candidates: If you’re serious about wanting a new role the fastest and most effective way to do this is PICK UP THE PHONE! 

Email has its place and we understand that not everyone is comfortable talking on the phone (Gen Z, we are talking to you!). However, there is a huge list of reasons why recruiters want to communicate with candidates over the phone, speed definitely being one of them. Phone calls provide instant back-and-forth interaction, leading to quicker decision-making and problem-solving - time is money after all. However, it goes so much deeper than that. So here is a list a reasons why candidates should consider picking up the phone during their job search:


  1. Getting to know you: Phone conversations allow recruiters and candidates to establish a personal connection that goes beyond written communication. After all, we are trying to gauge whether or not your values align with the clients and whether the business’ culture will be a good fit for you. It is better to spend a few minutes ascertaining this now rather than regretting it later.
  2. There is less room for misunderstanding as well, nuances like tone, enthusiasm, and empathy are better conveyed over the phone, leading to more effective communication.
  3. You are more than your CV: Soft skills are vital and recruiters can evaluate candidates' communication skills, active listening, and interpersonal abilities during phone calls better than they can on email.
  4. Let’s be friends: Phone conversations enable rapport-building and help candidates make a positive impression that might not come across in written communication. This then allows the recruiter to effectively fight your corner with the client and they will feel like they know you.
  5. Knowledge is power: Candidates can get immediate clarification on role, responsibilities, and expectations, leading to informed decisions.
  6. Don’t make me wait: Recruiters can provide feedback on candidates' qualifications, addressing any doubts or concerns right away.
  7. Precious time: Phone calls allow recruiters to conduct more in-depth pre-screening, ensuring candidates align with the job requirements. Therefore not wasting either the candidates or clients time later down the line.
  8. Discussing sensitive topics: Sensitive topics like salary expectations can be discussed with more nuance during a phone call.
  9. Tailormade: Recruiters can tailor their pitch and approach based on the candidate's responses and reactions
  10. Building Trust: Phone conversations contribute to building trust and rapport, a foundation for successful working relationships.


It’s not all to the recruiters advantage, as a candidate it is your opportunity to ask spontaneous questions about the company, team, or role during a phone call. If it’s a role you really care about it is your opportunity to convey your enthusiasm and passion for the role more effectively. 

Picking up the phone demonstrates proactive engagement, helping candidates stand out from other applicants. And let’s face it in a digital age, a phone call adds a human touch to the often impersonal job search process - At Ocho we love tech and AI however, when it comes to speaking to candidates we would much rather do it face to face - did we mention our City Centre Belfast office or if you’d prefer over the phone. 

So next time we call - ANSWER THE PHONE! It will definitely be an opportunity you don’t want to miss! 


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