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Interview Prep

Lock In Your Future

Interviews - we’ve all had them, and we’ve all felt the nerves. You can trust us to help you be your best.

Our experts have sat on both sides of the desk, so we know what it takes to impress. Wondering where to start? We’ll tell you.

Tell the company about themselves - don’t let them tell you.

No, this isn’t about telling the interviewer things they already know. It’s about arming yourself with research around the company that will inform your answers to their questions. You need to know things like:

  • What they do (it’s basic but key!)
  • Who their customers are, or who they serve
  • What their pain points are
  • What their goals and values are
  • What they are working on or towards
  • What their plans are for the next year

We know what you’re thinking - where would I find some of this information? That’s where we come in. Your dedicated expert will already have a relationship with the hiring manager, so tap into their knowledge as much as you can.

Knowing the above, you’ll be able to show the interviewer how you align with the company’s goals and values, and with the job description of the role.

And most importantly - you can tell them what problems you’ll solve for them. Make sure you have examples of how you’ve completed tasks and overcome issues that they may be looking for a new hire to tackle.

Tell the company about themselves - don’t let them tell you.

Dress for the job you want.

It’s an old adage, but it’s true. You need to make sure you dress appropriately, but that doesn’t always mean opting for the suit or pencil skirt at the back of your wardrobe.

Some companies might have a more relaxed dress code, and others might not even have one at all! Again, ask the recruitment expert you’re working with, they’ll point you in the right direction.

Dress for the job you want.

Your experience is there for a reason - use it.

You’ve not come this far just to talk about the new role. Interviewers want to know how your past skills and achievements make you the right candidate for them. Be sure to tell them about your recent achievements and career highlights, as well as the skills you’ve gained and how you’ve put them into practice.

Your experience is there for a reason - use it.

What’s your greatest weakness?

The question that strikes fear in the heart of candidates everywhere. There are a few ways to ace this classic interview stumper. And it’s not by answering with ‘I’m a perfectionist’ - interviewers have heard it a hundred times before.

With this question, what people really want to know is how driven you are to face your shortcomings.

The best way to answer is by choosing a weakness that won’t impact your ability to do the role, and explain how you’re overcoming it. It could be an area of skill that’s not directly related to the role, and you could explain how you’re taking courses to build your proficiency in that area.

Or, you could go for a more personal weakness. This could be that you struggle with work-life balance, and you might explain how you use apps to lock work platforms on your phone out of hours (think your emails, Slack and so on).

Either way, your answer needs to show you are sincere and can commit to bettering yourself at work.

We all have weaknesses - in this instance, it’s about how we own them.

What’s your greatest weakness?

Your turn!

Don’t forget, interviews are two-way. They’re a chance for you to get to know the company just as much as they get to know you.

Asking a few strong questions shows your interest in the company, and gives you another chance to highlight how much of a great fit you’ll be. Some examples include:

  • What does a typical day look like in this company?
  • What attracted you to this company? Why do you enjoy working here?
  • Do you have any reservations about my skill set in regard to this role?

Be human.

Under the questions, skills and dress code, we’re all human. So don’t let your personality slip away in the interview. Give the interviewer insight into you outside of work - what do you enjoy doing? What are your personal plans? What are you passionate about?

Striking the right balance between personal and professional is the recipe for success.

Your turn! Be human.

Still feeling nervous about your interview?.

Don’t worry - it’s natural. Talk to us and we’ll help you be your best on that all-important day.

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