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You Didn't Even Know Existed

Take the power back in your job search.

Simply upload your CV to our platform, and let us match you with the roles you want in the most innovative technology teams across the globe.

Even then, you’re still in control. You can tell us exactly how and when you want to be contacted, and our Best Fit Configurator will connect you with the right roles on your terms.

And you can say goodbye to endless application processes - the Ocho platform stores all of your information for you, and gives you visibility over the entire process, from interview details to the offer stage.

But we won’t let the tech take all the credit - once you’ve submitted your CV, our experts will be in touch with tailored feedback within 48 hours, every time.

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What People Are Saying About Us

We've outlined what we bring to the table, but you don't have to rely solely on our word. Let's hear it straight from our delighted clients and candidates instead!

Need a Job? Ocho can help

Phil's dedication, professionalism, and keen understanding of both the job market and my aspirations were instrumental in guiding me towards a wonderful opportunity.

Bernadette McCoy
Bernadette McCoyWellington IT